Maslak Real Estate Market Information: Maslak is known as the best place for Real estate sector in Istanbul. Maslak is characterised by wealthy and high classy residences where Ministers, Ambassadors, and Businessmen are living in it. Also in Maslak you can find high quality of shops and malls and huge Holgind Companies. Maslak is the suitable place to get the Turkish Citizenship where you can find mega Real estate projects, houses, and villas. Projects in Maslak are expensive that because the multiple features you can find in it. Investment in Maslak are guaranteed as it is always rising. What Realestate Investment index show us is that, in 2012 the price per metre square in Maslas was 3,400 Tl and in 2020 the price per metre square in Maslak is 10,586 Tl. That would be a sufficient evidence for how strong the Real estate investment sector is Maslak.